
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Things to do with your 1 year old toddler

I was so excited for my baby to turn one year old because I couldn't wait for him to walk and to gain more focus.  We would be able to do so much more together.  Then, when he turned one I realized what that meant.  Not only could we do things together, but we absolutely HAD to do something to keep his mind and body busy.  His toys and television would keep him preoccupied for a little bit, but he'd soon be looking at me as if to as if to say "what's next, mama?"

My son is 15 months old tomorrow, and over the past few months we've tried out a bunch of activities.  Below is a list of some of his favorite things to do in and out of the house, as well as some big adventures.  So when you or your toddler are bored and you have zero ideas of what to do, take a look at this! 

Inside Fun

  • Read books - Recently, my son has become completely obsessed with books.   I'm happy to say that they really have improved his language skills and memory.  I keep all his books on a shelf that he can easily reach in his room.  When he gets bored, he just picks one out and brings it to me.  Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss is definitely his current favorite.  He even requests it by name!
  • Color - At this age, my son developed the fine motor skills and attention span to color!  Sure, he doesn't come even remotely close to staying in the lines, but he is fascinated how scribbling with Crayons leaves colors on a page.  I've realized the easiest way to color is to put him in his high chair (or he'll try to color on the walls) and tape the paper to the tray (or he'll tear it).
  • Play peek-a-boo / hide and go seek - Depending on how comfortable your baby is with you being missing for a period of time, play peek-a-boo or maybe even hide and go seek!  My son loves to hide in the exact same spot in his room every time we play hide and go seek.  I've been taking a longer and longer to find him and making some noises along the way.  The anticipation turns him into a little ball of giggles. 
  •  Sing nursery rhymes - If you don't know many nursery rhymes (like I didn't a couple months ago), just search for them on YouTube.  You will find hundreds!  I discovered nursery rhymes are life-savers when I'm in the car or at a store with a grumpy baby.  Having a few little rhymes in your mama arsenal goes a long way!
  • Bake - My son is basically a professional baker at this point.  He absolutely loves to stir and actually does a pretty good job!  To read about our first time baking, as well as some tips and tricks, read Baking with Baby - Handprint Sugar Cookies.
  • Do chores - It's surprising that someone so small can help with chores, but they totally have the capability.  My son loves putting laundry into our front-loading washer and dryer, pressing the start button, and watching them spin around and around.  My friend's toddler loves to take the forks and spoons out of the dishwasher and others like playing peek-a-boo while folding the laundry.  Test out a couple things and find out what your baby likes to do!
  • Push all the things - My son pushes literally everything.  Cars, trucks, laundry baskets, rings, and pillows.  Racing and playing bumper cars with him gets him really motivated.
  • Take all of the things in and out of buckets -  They really have a thing about organizing at this age.

Outside Fun

  • Go to the park - My son learned to walk at the park.  For months my son refused to walk without holding onto my finger.  He was applying no pressure; it was simply a security blanket for him.  So, I took him to the park everyday for a couple weeks, and he realized that he wanted to walk like all the other toddlers.  Off he went!
  • Go for a walk - My son loves walking a few houses down the way or just in circles in the backyard.  He gets to see a whole new world of sites and sounds.  Point out cars, airplanes, and animals to your baby.  They will love it!
  • Blow bubbles - Basically whenever my son looks into the backyard, he chants "BUBBles, BUBBles, BUBBBBllless" now.  I have to help him blow the bubbles, but he has so much fun chasing after them.
  • Draw with Chalk - Like coloring inside, but without any possibility of a mess!

Fun Adventures (requiring a car)

  • Go to the grocery store - I'm attempting to teach my son how to socialize with strangers at the grocery store.  We say "hi" and "bye" most of the time, and we are are planning to start working on "please."
  • Go to the library - My library has story time just for babies under 18 months called "Mother Goose on the Loose."  We sing songs, play with bells, read books, and dance.  It's super chaotic, but all the babies have a blast.  Check to see what your library offers!  If nothing else, you can pick up a book you haven't already read 1,000 times to your baby.
  • Go to the splash pad - It's the modern-day version of running through the sprinklers, and it's obviously awesome.
  • Go to the zoo - Was there ever a kid that didn't like animals?  
  • Go hiking - If you live near a trail, go hiking!  Just make sure you turn around when your baby starts getting tired or he may pass out like this.
Have fun!  I can't wait to see what the next few months bring!

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