Home is where the Harp is.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Lucky Charms Cereal Treats
Well, top of the mornin' to ya! It's that time of year again! It's time to let my Irish heritage shine. Happy almost St. Patr...
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Frozen Greek Yogurt Bites
Little Harp would eat yogurt all day if he could. I'm thankful that yogurt happens to be quick healthy snack, but yogurt does have it...
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
10 Tips for Living with a Teething Toddler
Little Harp got two molars in over the past week, so my week has been super fun. Not! Taking care of a teething toddler is a whole new...
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Tomato Avocado Salad
I have a feeling that right now you are thinking "Tomato avocado salad? Seriously? That sounds far too healthy to be any good." ...
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Homemade Cinnamon Apple & Pear Baby Food
I wish I could say that this yummy cinnamon apple baby food recipe is mine, but it definitely is not. It's my husband's recipe. Ye...
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Things to do with your 1 year old toddler
I was so excited for my baby to turn one year old because I couldn't wait for him to walk and to gain more focus. We would be able t...
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
The Secret to Making a Delicious Protein Shake!
When I was in college my future husband and I loved to work out together, and we drank a gazillion protein shakes. I always thought that th...
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